Communication Channels
Throughout your child’s education at St Margaret Mary’s, there will be lots of significant information that the school needs to - or is required to - communicate with you. Key communication is streamlined across four platforms to simplify the dissemination of information for all parents.
Here are the apps that will keep you connected to your child’s learning and life at St Margaret Mary’s.
School Newsletter
The school newsletter is published on the website every second week from week 2 of each term, with email notification being sent to all parents. The newsletter contains important messages from the school and information about upcoming events, activities and other important notifications.
This publication the primary source of communication for all important information so it is important that parents read it each fortnight.
If you are not receiving publication emails, please email the office to be added to the newsletter mailing list. If you miss a newsletter or want to refer back to a previous communication, all newsletters are available here.
Operoo (previously CareMonkey) is used to track your consent and approvals for your child to participate in activities like excursions, sports days, etc. At the beginning of each year, you will be required to confirm your acceptance of certain school policies via Operoo so that school records can be accurately maintained.
Operoo can be downloaded from the Apple App or Google Play stores. Login instructions will be communicated by the school to ensure you receive all relevant information for your family.
Seesaw Family brings parents into the classroom learning experiences. This communication channel allows your child to share their learning, the teacher to communicate activities your child is participating in, as well as for reminders of upcoming events or changes.
Seesaw Family can be downloaded from the Apple App or Google Play stores. Your profile will be created by the school and login instructions provided to ensure you receive all relevant information for your family.
School website
The school website is where newsletters are published but it is also kept up to date with images of past activities, upcoming events, school policies and other information that you might find useful.
In addition to the official school platforms, there is a Parents Facebook page that all parents are welcome to join. While not managed by the school, it is a valuable way to connect with other parents and find out information about events.
The school also has official Facebook and Instagram accounts that are primarily used to promote the school to prospective parents by highlighting the activities, learning experiences and events that take place at the school. Parents are encouraged to follow these pages and help promote the school.
Should you have any queries regarding a school matter, please contact the office.