Student Wellbeing
At St Margaret Mary’s, we believe that an individual’s wellbeing is nurtured through experiences of belonging, building relationships with others, being accepted and valued and by being positively engaged in the community.
Transition to School
The transition to school is easy for some children and others need a little more support. Our transition program is designed so that our smallest children start with a sense of belonging and community, before they have even started.
We begin the transition process over a six week period towards the end of the year. The program is for both the children and parents, giving you and opportunity to get to know each other and find our more about what to expect in your child’s first year of school.
Children will participate in a variety of activities including outdoor play, learning activities in the classroom and group activities.
At the beginning of the school year, additional support is given to the prep classroom to further ensure a smooth transition.
Wellbeing at school
Social and emotional wellbeing is a big part of our overall program. We focus on allowing children to thrive as individuals, while being a positive part of and contributor to our student community. We utise Positive Behaviours for Learning as a cohesive, evidence informed, values based, Foundation to Year 6 approach to ensure a positive, considered, behavioural culture that sets all children up for a safe and predictable learning environment.
Children are taught emotional regulation strategies they can use throughout the day, and are encouraged to engage in all interactions using the lense of our values - respect, integrity, compassion and excellence. They are encouraged to self-manage even in difficult situations and consider how their behaviour is impacting others.
Particularly since the return to school post remote learning, there is a big focus on inclusive and fair behaviours in social and learning settings. The long months of learning in isolation mean children are in some cases re-learning these behaviours so that all children can feel they belong.
Some children, at times, need extra emotional support. We have a committed school counsellor who can work with families to provide additional wellbeing support at no cost to the family. To find out more, please contact the office.
Transition to Secondary School
Our Year 6 transition program focuses on connecting our students to their new school by increasing students and family networking, developing social skills and providing opportunities for students and families to become familiar with the secondary school environment. The students participate in transition sessions with other students from the local area attending their Secondary school. Transition programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each of our students.
Buddy Program
Each Prep child is introduced to their buddy during the transition. Our buddy program ensures the Preps have a smooth transition into the first year of school and have someone aside from the teaching staff who looks out for them at all times. We buddy our Preps up with a Grade 5 buddy so that the relationship lasts beyond the first year of school.
Buddies do a variety of activities together both in and out of the classroom, including the Grade 5 sending welcome letters to the Preps before their first day, Grade 5 buddies escorting the Preps around the school in the first week, sharing recess and lunch and helping them to find a friend to play with.
We are proud of the outcomes the buddy program delivers for both students and parents. This program is designed to:
Encouraging Positive Relationships: student-student, student-teacher, teacher-teacher, parent-teacher
Implementing Restorative Practices for conflict resolution
Involving students in social and emotional learning to encourage resilience and independence
Collaboratively implementing the Whole School Positive Behaviour Management
Generating Individual Learning Plans for students who require additional support or extension in their learning.
Organise regular Parent Support Group meetings to ensure we are providing ongoing and effective support for our students with special needs.
Ensuring a nurturing and enjoyable Buddy Program for Prep students
Running a Student Representative Council where students are elected by class members to represent them at meetings with the Religious Education Leader and Deputy Principal