Learning Support
We strongly believe our fundamental responsibility is to nurture students to reach their highest potential. Meeting children at their individual point-of-need therefore underpins our learning approach.
With the many months learning at home through COVID, and children across all classes significantly challenged, the need for early intervention and individualised learning has never been more prevalent.
Our 2022 learning support strategy has been carefully designed to provide every child with access to the dedicated learning tools and attention they need to re-build their skill and confidence as learners, re-ignite their curiosity and re-establish themselves within the school community.
Learning Enhancement Intervention Teachers
At St Margaret Mary’s, we recognise that every child’s learning journey is unique. Learning is a developmental process, and we celebrate the growth of each student, ensuring they receive the right support and challenges to thrive.
We welcome students of all abilities and are committed to providing personalised learning experiences. For students who require additional support to access learning, we implement Personal Learning Plans in collaboration with our Learning Diversity Leader, Paul Smith, Well being Leader, Kath Novak, teachers, and parents. These plans prioritise each child’s individual needs, helping them reach their full potential.
Our Learning Enhancement Intervention Teachers (LEIT), Narelle Monteleone (Junior) and Chelsea McGill (Middle/Senior), work closely with classroom teachers to enhance student learning. Using a data-informed approach, they provide targeted support through scaffolded learning, intervention for those needing extra assistance, and enrichment for students ready to be extended.
Intervention takes place through small group and one-on-one lessons, using evidence-based programs such as Learning Framework in Number (Junior / Middle) MiniLit Sage (Junior) and MacqLit (Middle/Senior). Additionally, support is provided within the classroom through focus groups, daily reviews, and explicit teaching.
Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. Our LEIT team works alongside classroom teachers and curriculum leaders, analysing student data and work samples to develop rich, high-impact teaching strategies. This ensures that learning enhancement and intervention are structured, transparent, and trackable, allowing both parents and the school to monitor each child’s progress.
At St Margaret Mary’s, we are dedicated to nurturing confidence, curiosity, and a love of learning, ensuring that every student is supported to succeed.
Early intervention is the best way to ensure any learning challenges are addressed and children practice the skills they need to thrive. Our Intervention program is a bespoke approach to lifting children’s knowledge and ability where they are at risk of falling below standard.
Once a child is identified as needing learning intervention and the program has been parent approved, Intervention is scheduled for 10 weeks. It can be either one-on-one or in small groups and is delivered outside the classroom or inside the room (depending on student need, wellbeing) by our dedicated Intervention Specialists.
Typically once a child has completed 10 weeks of intervention, they have had the practice and attention they need to meet standards. However if they still require additional support, they will continue to be supported.
Some of the key intervention programs offered at our school include: Literacy -MiniLit, MacqLit and Numeracy - LFIN.
School Counsellor
St Margaret Mary’s has an on-site school counsellor working one day a week. Working in partnership with CatholicCare Victoria, the St Margaret Mary’s School Counsellor provides support to students and their families, enhancing student wellbeing, and providing early intervention for mental health and wellbeing issues.
Parents can request this support for their child or the school may suggest counselling to enhance a child’s overall wellbeing.
Each child’s situation is assessed individually by the counsellor and a care plan put in place. The plan may be short or long-term and may include one-off or regular sessions within school hours.
The counsellor communicates regularly with parents as to their child’s progress, while keeping all details confidential.
In addition to these learning supports and allied services, the school works closely with external care providers for any children who have diverse needs. We have a dedicated Learning Diversity Leader who can support children and families. For more information on our Learning Diversity program, please contact the Principal.