Newsletter Term 4, Week 1 2022


Saturday 15th October - Feast of St Margaret Mary. 5.30 in St Margaret Mary’s Church.

Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st – Senior Camp


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to term 4. I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing holiday. Term 4 is traditionally a busy term and this year is no exception. I would encourage you to look over the Term Dates section to keep up to date with coming events.

Some of these include camp for our years 3 to 6 students, masses, assemblies, prep transition, year 6 transition, reports, year 6 graduation, end of year mass and concert…just to name a few! 

On Saturday the 15th of October at 5.30 pm, we will be celebrating the Feast of St Margaret Mary at mass in our Church.

As St Margaret Mary is our parish saint, this is a very special event for our school and we would love to see as many students and families at the mass as possible.

Continuing on with parish news and events, our plastering work has been completed in the Church. Irene has asked for volunteers that can help repaint the Church.

We also need painting equipment including brushes, rollers, paint trays, painting tape, ladders and plastic covers. If you are available to help out in any way please call either Joe Falzon on 0432 064 967 or email Stela Spoljar at 

The selling of icy poles will be starting back in week 4 this term. The money raised will go towards supporting the year 6 graduation celebration at the end of the year.

Only 70 cents for a tasty treat on a sunny day. Limit one per student per day.  

A big thank you to all our families for completing your MACSSIS survey. We exceeded our target of 50 families and this will give us valuable data for planning for the coming years.

Finally, in preparation for class lists for next year, if you have any academic requests regarding your child’s learning can you please put them in writing and either email or forward them to me at: 

We also ask that if you are not returning to St Margaret Mary’s next year to please let us know and we will take this into consideration when planning classes. 

I wish everyone the best for an exciting term and lead up to Christmas.


Simon Devlin

Acting Principal



The parking on Arras Street is the for school pick up and drop off zone, please refrain from parking for longer than 2 minutes. Also please do not park over driveways.


Follow our socials for the latest learning posts from the classroom



St Margaret Mary’s students are independent life-long learners inspired by Gospel values and empowered with a sense of purpose and responsibility. They confidently engage with others and are equipped with skills to adapt to an ever changing world.



Each week, students who embody our values, apply the school mindsets to learning, work hard to improve or persevere to deliver on learning objectives are awarded a class award. The students who earned an award in the past weeks are:


Term 3, Week 10

Term 4, Week 1



Footsteps Dance Program

The Footsteps Dance program started on Wednesday and will run weekly until the end of the term. The students had a great time learning some dances with Rhiannon and we look forward to showing you at our end of year concert.


Juniors Science

Last term the Juniors explored the many different types of landscapes in our world. They then used a variety of made and natural materials to create their own beautiful landscapes.



FSG Update

On Tuesday the 18th, staff will be meeting with Lamont Books to select some new books for our school library. We hope to cater for some of the more mature readers in the school and invest in some graphic novels. This is due to the efforts of the FSG and the parent community’s generous contributiuons.

As mentioned earlier, icy poles will be sold again starting from week 4. They will cost 70 cents and money raised will go towards the year 6 graduation celebrations later in the year.

Keep an eye out for information regarding the Friday Night Drinks at the Spotswood RSL. Details are being finalised and will be sent via Seesaw and the community Facebook page.

Thanking you,

The FSG Team.


Call for new members!

Can you spare some time to help out with the FSG? We are currently looking for new members. Contact Stacey to express your interest and find out more about how you can help out.


Key enrolment dates for Year 5 students in 2023 starting Year 7 in 2025 at a Catholic School.

For those parents of students who will be beginning Year 7 in 2025 at a Catholic school, please be aware of the following critical dates. 

  • 27 January 2023 – Applications will open for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2024.

  • 18 August 2023 – Applications will close.

  • 20 October 2023 – Offers to be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

  • 10 November 2023 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.


School Fees

School Fees

School fee payments are now overdue unless otherwise discussed with the school. Thankyou to all the families who have made payments towards their family school fees and levy accounts. Without this support from you, our school would not be able to run.

If you have not started to make payments towards your account can we suggest you set up via your bank account, weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit payments. They are a great way to work towards settlement of your account.

We accept EFTPOS over the phone, or in person at the school office and you can make direct payments into our account. Please use your family name as the reference so we are able to allocate the payment correctly.

Our bank details are:

Account Name: St Margaret Mary’s School 

BSB: 083-347

ACCOUNT: 463870010

Please speak to Andrea Richards or the Office ladies if you are experiencing financial hardship.


Important Dates

Trying to find an important date? Check out our updated Term Dates page.



Due to unforeseen events, the Joseph’s Corner Trivia Night was rescheduled to Saturday 8th October. Please see the flyer below.

St Margaret Mary’s Church Painting

The plastering work has been completed in the Church. Irene has asked for volunteers that can help repaint the Church.

We also need painting equipment including brushes, rollers, paint trays, painting tape, ladders and plastic taupes. If you are available to help out in any way please call either Joe Falzon on 0432 064 967 or email Stela Spoljar at 


We welcome your feedback so if you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, questions about content or general feedback, please let us know.


Newsletter Term 4, Week 3 2022


Newsletter Term 3, Week 9 2022