Newsletter Term 2, Week 1 2024
Thursday 25th April - ANZAZ DAY
Friday 26th April - School Closure Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Term 2,
I hope you are all feeling refreshed and renewed after the break from routine. In the spirit of resurrection, let us embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation, both individually and as a community. May the lessons of Easter inspire us to approach each day with grace, compassion, and a renewed sense of purpose. May our actions reflect the values of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity, fostering a spirit of unity and understanding among us. Please discuss this with your child(ren) as they will also be exploring these values in class and making real life connections on how they can “live out” these qualities.
The colour-run was a magic way to launch this term and more details will be included about this successful day below. Thank you to Kate Jackson and her team of volunteers from our growing group of FSG volunteers. The school has received a mammoth $14,762 as a result of family and friend’s contributions. The kids had a ball and I amongst others were well and truly slimed! Three buckets worth! The money will all go towards your children’s learning resources – it will be a helpful contribution to the school’s purchase of new iPads and Initialit Literacy resources. Thank you everyone for getting behind this fundraiser and fun day!
Thank you to the Easter Raffle team for raising the great amount of $1,800 led by Claire. These funds will go towards the installation of an audio visual system in the hall.
In this newsletter is a report on our thriving Teaching and Learning Culture at St. Margaret Mary’s. Please read our teaching and Learning report below. Our 2023 beginning of 2024 student learning data indicates we have a lot to celebrate!
Thank You to all parents and carers for their unwavering support during our recent professional learning day held last Monday. The day was dedicated to:
delving into cognitive load theory, the cornerstone of effective learning science,
our dedicated staff members, led by our Maths leader Anne and Number specialist, Lucy Kett, meticulously examined and then planned for student learning aligned with the new Victorian Mathematics curriculum (2.0).
Moreover, on Tuesday and Wednesday, our junior school educators actively engaged in Initialit professional development sessions. Initialit stands as a comprehensive whole-class program tailored for Foundation to Year 2 students, serving as a seamless complement to our highly successful junior minilit intervention and our MultiLit literacy intervention catering to Years 3 to 6.
Post regular school hours on Tuesday and Thursday, our staff continued their pursuit of knowledge by unpacking the Flourishing Learners 2030 MACS blueprint and assimilating the MACS "vision for instruction" (V4i) ethos in preparation for the upcoming Western region’s V4i professional development day, set to take place at St. Thomas Carr, Friday 26th April.
The Mother’s Day is fast approaching. Details to follow. We need some fathers please to assist with the morning. Please reach out via
SMM Foundation 2025 Enrolments are closing at the end of April
Last year, we were unable to accommodate all students who wished to enrol in SMM, and as a result, we still have a waiting list for Year 1. If you have a younger sibling, please prioritise submitting a completed enrolment form. It would be unfortunate if offers were finalised before your child's forms were submitted. Please inform your family and friends considering SMM for their child, to request an enrolment pack and schedule a tour through our school website or by contacting us directly.
No school for ANZAC day this Thursday and please remember Friday 26th is a Student Free day so that our whole staff can attend a regional professional development day for MAC’s Flourishing Learners onsite in Tarneit.
SMM Administration building restoration project update next newsletter. We are close to starting works onsite. More information to follow once I have a definitive start date. The children’s classrooms will not be affected by these works.
On another note, we congratulate Genevieve our Busar on her recent promotion. Genevieve will be leaving us in a fortnight to take up an Executive Administration leadership role at a school much closer to home. On behalf of staff, students and parents we thank Genevieve for her work here at St Margaret Mary’s.
We look forward to welcoming Ruth who will be our new Bursar and Administration Manager. Ruth will join us later this term and so there may be days we need to close the office after recess. More details to follow. Ruth comes to SMM with a broad set of skills and experience and we are blessed to have her join our team.
Take care everyone,
Colleen McCambridge
Cash For Cans
St Margaret Mary’s is now registered in the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). When you donate to Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme, consider nominating SMM as the recipient for the funds from cans collected. Money raised will go towards FSG initiatives, including some new iPad for our preps!
ANZAC Day badges will be on sale this week. Prices range from $2-$5, including badges, wristbands and pins. The SRC will visit classrooms and they are also available from the office.
Welcome Ruth Galea!
Follow our socials for the latest learning posts from the classroom
St Margaret Mary’s students are independent life-long learners inspired by Gospel values and empowered with a sense of purpose and responsibility. They confidently engage with others and are equipped with skills to adapt to an ever changing world.
Each week, students who embody our values, apply the school mindsets to learning, work hard to improve or persevere to deliver on learning objectives are awarded a class award. The students who earned an award in the past weeks are:
Week 9
Week 1
MACs Vision for Instruction (V4I)
Background Information:
MACS Vision for Instruction was launched on February 22nd. It highlights the complexity of learning, requiring insights from cognitive sciences, and evidence informed teaching and learning pedagogy, across all Catholic Schools. The MACS Vision for Instruction is praised for integrating these perspectives and focusing on effective coherent, knowledge rich teaching methods for literacy, numeracy, and the holistic development of students.
Please find attached a link for further information: MACS Vision for Instruction.
The MACS "Vision for Instruction" aligns perfectly with the work already started by St. Margaret Mary's staff in early 2023. Some of the aligned pedagogies already introduced at SMM include:
introduction of Spelling Mastery from Year 1 to 6
use of decodable readers
evidence-informed early number curriculum and pedagogy for Foundation to Year 4
timetabling of investigations in Year 1 and 2 after literacy and numeracy sessions
focus on consistent positive behaviour language and practices from Foundation to Year 6
gradual rollout of "ready to learn" routines from Foundation to Year 6.
Let’s Celebrate!
The student data from the end of 2023 across literacy and numeracy provided significant evidence supporting these changes and enhancements. We observed a substantial improvement in student achievement data in reading, writing, and numeracy.
As we continue to build upon our professional knowledge in 2024 to achieve teaching excellence through evidence-based practices that aim to equip all students with fundamental literacy and numeracy skills. We will continue to prioritise equity, aiming for all students, regardless of background, to achieve proficiency in these essential skills. Rest assured that investigations and multi-sensory learning remains an essential component across all our curriculum areas.
“The most effective teachers ensured that the students efficiently acquired, rehearsed, and connected knowledge. Many went on to hands-on activities, but always after, not before the basic material was learned.”
The Principles of Instruction, by Barak Rosenshine.
I thank you in advance for your continued support that recognises:
the collective training hours (172) undertaken by SMM Staff
the implementation of a new mathematics curriculum
the refining of pedagogies in Literacy, Numeracy and Positive Behaviour
We are fortunate to have such highly skilled educators, continually reflecting and improving their craft creating the best learning environment for our students
Paul Smith
(Teaching & Learning Leader)
Colour Fun Run
It was an amazing experience for our students to be a part of the Colour Fun Run for 2024. It turned into a fantastic day to run, get wet, chalked and for some even slimed!
More photos coming in the next newsletter.
Student Wellbeing & Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) at SMM
Responsibility is often placed on educators in schools to help, support & equip children & their families to adapt & cope in an ever changing world. Teaching is a demanding profession & more so now, as personnel in schools become increasingly responsible for more than the pursuit of academics.
Schools are now viewed as a key location for promoting children's mental health & wellbeing. All school staff are called on to play a critical role in identifying & supporting the mental health & wellbeing needs of their students & are identified as key facilitators of referrals to external services for students requiring additional support.
Here are some key areas of responsibility allocated to schools:
● Teaching & learning academics
● Child safety
● Teaching about mental health & Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills in the areas of self awareness, social awareness, self management, relationship skills & responsible decision making
● Teaching about eSafety & being safe online
● Providing support for learning diversity, i.e. the infinite variety of life experiences & attributes a child brings to their formal learning at school. Educators are called on to seek to meet the needs of all learners, so that every student experiences success
● Monitoring the basic needs children require to function & learn well at school. This can include:
-talking to parents about sleep hygiene practices,
-encouraging parents to take their child to the GP for check ups or concerns
-eye and ear checks
-monitoring food-because hunger, food insecurity or foods high in sugar & low in nutrition make it hard for students to focus & learn.
-engaging in physical activity, sporting opportunities & brain breaks to boost brain function & learning
-providing & encouraging prosocial skills to get along with & learn well with others
● Staff are also continually engaged in evidence based contemporary professional learning & current research about how children learn best, e.g. neuroscience & learning
At SMM we keep our finger on the pulse of our students & families including what challenges they face & what they need. Sometimes we support families through tough times.
Children & young people cannot concentrate on academics & thrive when there are social emotional or mental health challenges both personally and at home. A child’s behaviour at school may also be reflective of these challenges. Some challenges may include:
● Everyday ups & downs - problems that seem small to an adult can feel big to a child
● Changes in their life, e.g. moving schools, moving where they live, changes in who cares for them
● Family break-up, separation & divorce
● Serious illness or death of a loved one
● Living with disability - their own, another child in the family, a parent
● Racism or discrimination
● Catastrophes, e.g. accidents, loss of job, mental health issues of family members, bushfires etc
● Violence, abuse or neglect.
If these things are happening, there are services that can help if you need them. If there is violence, abuse or neglect, seek help straight away.
In reality, educators have responsibility for only a small part of the foundational factors & conditions young people require to do well. Parents, as first educators & influencers of their children, family, media, school & communities, government funding & policy all play a significant role in young people’s immediate & long term academic achievement, mental health & social emotional wellbeing.
How you can help your child or young person
Take some time to review the image. The image was developed by the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth who work to improve the wellbeing of children & young people up to age 24 by helping to turn evidence into policy & practice.
Identify your family’s strengths & areas for development or potential focus. When these factors are considered, a child or young person has the necessary foundational conditions required to develop academically, be emotionally & mentally healthy & thrive & flourish now & for the rest of their life.
Kath (Student Wellbeing Leader)
Easter Liturgies
It was a wonderful lead up to the school holidays celebrating our annual Holy Week prayer services. We began with our Preps celebrating Easter Sundal, followed by our Middles reenacting the Last Supper and then the Seniors taking us through the Stations of the Cross.
Our Juniors will be completing Holy Week with the Resurection at this Monday’s assembly in the hall at 2.40pm. We would love to see you there.
Easter Bonnet Parade
St Joseph’s Corner
Dear Friends of Joseph’s Corner
Please join us for High Tea to help raise much needed funds to support families affect by addiction. Joseph's Corner continues to provide counselling free to those in need.
Our guest speaker is Joseph's Corner Counsellor, Marie Bourke. 'Reaching Those in Need, from Africa to the West'. Marie has spent her life, as part of the Franciscan Order, supporting and helping the most venerable members of communities through Africa before knocking on our door at Joseph's Corner in 2023.
From Africa to the West, Marie's experiences will keep you captivated.
Tickets includes a selection of classic High Tea favourites including savouries and sweets to enjoy with a traditional cup of tea or coffee. Dietary Requirements will be catered for.
This is a fundraiser so come prepared to bid in our silent auction, main room auction and purchase raffle tickets. Cash and card both welcome.
Please find attached the invitation with the Where, How Much, and How to Book or click on link to book your ticket now
I look forward to welcoming you to our Annual High Tea on the 21st April 2024.
Should you have any queries or would like to know more about this event, please do not hesitate in contacting me on 0409 901 899.
Kind Regards
Ann Hudson
Easter Raffle
Thank you to all of our families for donating Easter eggs, crafts and baskets for our Easter Raffle.
Together we raised a total of $1859
Thanks you for your support – SMM FSG
Colour Fun Run
An amazing effort by our community to raise almost fifteen thousand dollars for our school. Prize ordering is now open and closes on the 26th of April. A bug thank you to and from our FSG for your support.
Footy Tipping
How time flies as they say but who can believe we are coming up to round 6 already. Team Huds has an outright lead sitting on 41. Bomber Love and the Millar Boys are close behind on 40 so it’s still anyone game.
A big thank you to Bunnings in West Footscray for donating a $200 voucher for our competition. They support us each year and we are grateful for their help. We are still looking for a few more donations so if you know of any businesses that are able to help out please ask them or contact Simon at
We have 36 members this year which is amazing. Please remember to pay your $25 entry fee and stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks.
Click the link below:
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Mums are invited to come along for a Mother’s Day breakfast in the Hall on Friday the 10th of May from 8-9am. Coffee and pastries will be offered, and our school Choir will perform at 8.45am. We would love to see you there and celebrate all you do.
Mother’s Day Stall
The FSG is once again running a Mother's Day stall!
It will be held on Thursday May 9 at school. All students wll have an opportunity to come to the stall to buy something lovely for their special person. Items will be priced between $1-5 dollars and all are brand new. We encourage students to bring no more than $10 to buy some amazing gifts.
We are in need of some adult helpers on the day, to set up and assist students with their purchases. We are also on the lookout for any new/unused items that you may be able to donate to the stall. We prefer to have many of the same item, to make it easier for the students to choose but one-offs are welcomed as well. Popular items are candles, hand cream, jewellery, chocolate/biscuits, stationery etc. We are also welcoming any cellophane bags, tissue paper, ribbons, stickers etc for merchandising purposes.
If you are able to help with either, please contact Larissa Cairns (Gilbert and Ruby's mum)
2025 Prep Enrolments Closing Soon
If you know of anyone looking for an amazing school, please let them know about our little hidden gem. Tours can be arranged by appointment via our website. Current families, please remember to enrol siblings too!
Chess Club Starting at SMM
We are excited to announce a new initiative at St Margaret Mary’s Primary School. Starting on Mondays from the 29th March, students will be able to join a chess club and learn all there is to know about the amazing game that is chess.
There will be a free incursion tomorrow at lunchtime and if you would like to proceed, you are able to sign up for the term at a small cost. Contact Paul Smith for more information.
Emmanuel College News
Year 7 2026
Do you have a child in Year 5 this year? Applications for Year 7 2026 close on Friday 16 August 2024.
If you would like to apply, a prospectus can be obtained:
- Via the College website under the Enrolment Information tab or by following this link:
- By registering and joining us at a College event
- Or by coming in to see our friendly staff at reception of either campus
We look forward to seeing you at a College event soon.
Yours sincerely
Jenny Hendricks