Newsletter Term 3, Week 3 2024
School Closure - Friday 16 August
Book Week Parade- Monday 19 August
Dear SMM Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well. It’s been a busy and eventful time at St Margaret Mary’s, with many activities and updates to share with you all. While we started the week with some wet weather and cold mornings, the last couple of days have turned into beautifully sunny afternoons, a nice change before we head into the weekend.
School Closure on August 16th Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on Friday, August 16th. Our teaching staff will be participating in professional development as part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Flourishing Learners (MACS) initiative. This day will focus on enhancing our knowledge and skills in literacy education. The workshops will cover various aspects such as the teaching of phonics and structured literacy, including phonics, morphology, and spelling. Additionally, we will explore strategies for building oral language and vocabulary and integrating literacy within a knowledge-rich curriculum. These sessions are essential in improving our teaching methods and ensuring the best educational outcomes for our students.
Important Dates and Events We encourage all parents and guardians to carefully read through this newsletter, as it contains numerous important dates and events coming up. Staying informed will help you and your children make the most of what our school community has to offer.
Grandparents Day Our Grandparents Day was a success. This special day once again presented an opportunity for our students to celebrate Mass and share their school life with their beloved grandparents. We all enjoyed welcoming all the grandparents, creating cherished memories, and building strong home-school connections.
Building Project Update Our current building project is progressing well. The collapsing front wall is being rebuilt, and the interior works are moving along smoothly. Please see the photos below.
Exciting Funding Announcement Last year, when Colleen joined our school as the principal of SMM, she set to work creating a new Master Plan. This plan was developed in response to urgent OH&S compliance shortfalls, current student learning facilities, and the need to accommodate our growing enrollments in a measured way. Colleen collaborated with SMM students, staff, and parents and met with our local MP Melissa Horne and the executive of MACS. This week, these efforts have led to the announcement that SMM has successfully secured $3.6 million, which will assist in achieving Stage 2 of the SMM Master Plan (enhancement of student learning facilities).
Thank you to the Hon. MP Ben Carroll (Deputy Premier, Minister for Education) and our esteemed local member for Williamstown, Hon. MP Melissa Horne, for approving and announcing SMM's successful funding grant. We are excited and grateful to receive this generous grant of $3.6 million.
Upcoming Teeth on Wheels Visit We are pleased to inform you that Teeth on Wheels will be visiting SMM soon. This initiative provides convenient and accessible dental care for our students, ensuring their oral health is well taken care of.
Staff Update Please note, Lucy O’Dea will be on Long Service Leave (LSL) for the remainder of this term. We wish her a restful and enjoyable break. We have Solly McKay and Kath Novak supporting the quality teaching and student learning in Foundation while Lucy is on leave.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.
Warm regards,
Simon Devlin
Deputy Principal (Acting Principal)
St Margaret Mary's Primary School
Congratulations Gilbert!
Congratulations to Gilbert who was recently awarded Player of the Match at Footscray Hockey Club’s Indigenous round. Gilbert is playing in the Under 12 Pennant competition and loves getting out on a Saturday morning for a hit with his team.
Well Done to our new SRC
Congratulations to our newest SRC members. We look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions about how we can best represent our students.
Cash For Cans
St Margaret Mary’s is now registered in the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). When you donate to Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme, consider nominating SMM as the recipient for the funds from cans collected. Money raised will go towards FSG initiatives, including some new iPad for our preps!
Follow our socials for the latest learning posts from the classroom
St Margaret Mary’s students are independent life-long learners inspired by Gospel values and empowered with a sense of purpose and responsibility. They confidently engage with others and are equipped with skills to adapt to an ever changing world.
Each week, students who embody our values, apply the school mindsets to learning, work hard to improve or persevere to deliver on learning objectives are awarded a class award. The students who earned an award in the past weeks are:
Week 2
Week 3
Around the Rooms
100 Days of Prep!
Last Thursday, our prep students celebrated their 100th day of school with a parade and a series of fun activities centered around the number 100. The students enjoyed cup stacking, making paper chains, filling in the gaps on a 100s chart, and rolling dice to write numbers up to 100. They also created colorful collages with 100 pieces on a poster.
A highlight of the day was buddy time, where the older students helped the preps complete a worksheet about their future at age 100 and what they would and wouldn't want 100 of (e.g., 100 ice creams vs. 100 spiders). The celebration wrapped up with an energetic dance party. It was a memorable day full of joy and learning!
Bundoora Farm Excursion
Our Preps, 1’s, and 2’s went on an excursion to Bundoora Farm last week to learn a bit about our history and “the olden days.” The day was packed with engaging activities, including a simulated classroom experience in an early 20th-century rural school and participation in pioneer games. They witnessed a fascinating printing demonstration using an early 20th-century printing press and embarked on a journey into the wildlife reserve to visit emus and kangaroos while learning about Aboriginal history and culture. The students also got to try their hand at some traditional household chores! It was a wonderful day of hands-on learning and fun!
Grandparent’s Day
It was wonderful to celebrate Grandparents Day this week and have so many grandparents and special friends come to visit. It was heartwarming to have our church full and see many of our students cuddling up with their nonnas and papas. It is a very special time for us and we love having our community come together.
Mad About Science Incursion
District Athletics Day
We had a wonderful day down at Newport for the District Athletics Day. The sun came out from a cold and foggy morning and we had a brilliant afternoon of events. Our students represented our school with honour and showed excellence in their efforts. We congratulate them and their teachers. Special thank you to Mrs Magill, Mr Tasca and Mr McKay for their organisation and taking the students on the day.
Maths Puzzles
This week we thought it would be fun to put some family maths games and puzzles into our newsletter for you to have a go at. Anne Ablinger our Mathematics Leader has selected a few games and activities to discuss and enjoy as a family. The answers are down below!
Concepts covered: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Equipment: deck of cards
Good questions to ask while playing: “What number are you trying to make?”; “Explain to me how you got __?”; “What if you use multiplication (or subtraction) etc.?” (i.e. offer suggestions when students need help but DON’T tell them how to arrive at a number.); “What would you do differently the next time you played?”
Concepts covered: Multiplication and division
Equipment: Playing board (made with pencil and paper), counters or tokens
Good questions to ask while playing: “Why did you choose to make instead of ?”; “Explain to me how you got __?”; “What would you do differently the next time you played?”
Student Wellbeing & Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) at SMM
Student Wellbeing & Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) at SMM.
Wellbeing is a combination of a person's emotional, mental and social health and reflects how they feel about themselves and their life or overall experiences in general. A strong sense of well-being is linked to better academic achievement, improved mental health and decisions that enhance responsible life choices.
In addition to social-emotional learning lessons, our staff are embedding well-being practices into their day-to-day teaching. Each teacher has nominated class practices based on the needs of their students. The following are nominated practices students across Prep-6 classes will engage in this term:
Brain breaks
Meditation/silent activity
Mindfulness-utilising the 5 senses
Whole school Instructional routines (call to attention, entry and exit, questioning and voice monitor)
Emotional or feelings check-ins
Buddy sessions-(Years Prep and seniors)
Regular referral to/reinforcement of school social expectations, rules and values
Stories with a social-emotional focus followed by role-play or discussion to draw out skills
Regular gratitude practice
Following up on yard incidents using problem-solving or talking about a skill needed to get along
Time to process difficulties, disappointments, and sadnesses and reinforce that it’s normal to have ups and downs each day
Playtime News- Quiet Area
Next week we will set up two quiet areas in the yard on days when the weather is fine. One area will be for Years Prep to 2 and the other for Years 3-6. Each class will be rostered for a turn. In preparation, all classes participated in a lesson about the respectful and responsible use of the quiet areas. This week our Year 6 Wellbeing and Environmental captains led orientation sessions with each class, explaining how to use the areas respectfully and responsibly.
The quiet areas in the yard recognise that some students need a place in the yard with alternatives to active games. When students have diverse options they are less likely to engage in conflict, feel negative emotions and are more likely to enjoy break times. This is an inclusive practice to support diverse needs and the opportunity to connect with peers and practice social skills. It is a supportive and positive way to help students who find the playground more challenging to navigate.
Students have many options in the yard, including the sandpit, cubby house for the younger grades, fixed playground equipment, giant chess set and table tennis table. Some students’ parents have signed their children up for chess lessons on Mondays at lunchtime. In warmer weather, the students are rostered by class to use the Gaga Pit.
This website explains the rules for the Gaga Pit, which you may like to go through with your children.
What are the rules of Gaga Ball?
How you can help at home
At school staff encourage students to use our school rules and values in the classroom and the yard. The staff on yard duty encourage students to be safe, which encompasses physical safety and being inclusive and fair
This article from the Australian Parenting Website "Raising Children Network" is relevant to parents of children 5-8 years old and contains information about teaching children about playing fairly. It focuses on the key skills of:
the role of learning and using rules in games
following social rules if children are to navigate play experiences successfully with others in less structured environments, e.g. taking turns, asking others if they would like to play or have a turn first, paying others a compliment or congratulating others when they win
what to do if your child is finding it hard to play fair
winning and losing games
As the Olympics are occurring, now might be an opportune time to talk to your children about being a good sport and the associated benefits sports can bring.
The website, ‘Play by the Rules’ has some interesting research about the complex issue of poor sideline behaviour in junior sports and the profound impact parents and guardians have on kids' enjoyment and participation. For example, one research article refers to ‘sporting parents/carers’ being responsible for “helping their child to develop values like honesty, integrity, humility, courage and discipline. A sporting parent can also help their child develop valuable life skills that will help them cope with the demands of sport – time management, getting enough sleep, adequate nutrition, and balancing school work and personal relationships.”
All of these practices are reflective of general well-being.
What is poor sideline behaviour at junior sport? - Play by the Rules
Thanks for working in partnership with us to support your children
Kath (Student Wellbeing Leader)
Welcome from Father Samuel
Dear Parents and guardians,
I join with our school deputy principal, Simon Devlin, in writing to you at this time for two reasons:
The first is to introduce myself. My name is Fr Samuel Kapani, and I have just recently been appointed to replace Fr Binh as Administrator of St Joseph’s Parish, Newport and Spotswood. In the short time since my appointment, I have enjoyed beginning to get to know our wonderful Sacred Heart School community. Even at this early stage, it is clear to me that our school is a place where our children can thrive, grow in the Catholic faith, and in doing so, learn to be good people. I very much look forward to meeting more of our school families in the near future.
The second reason is to talk about the ongoing connection between our parish and our school, and to invite you to participate in the Parish Voluntary Contribution Program. That connection was highlighted for me just last week when grandparents and parishioners joined our educators and students in a wonderful celebration of the Grandparents’ Day Mass. It is a testament to how our school has grown and prospered for more than 120 years because of the school and parish having a shared vision of wanting our children to grow up in a healthy, faith-filled community.
I am encouraged to see that sense of partnership between our school and our parish continue, even though in recent years, the nature of the partnership has changed. The direct responsibility for the running of the school now rests with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools. However, the costs of maintaining our Churches as places of beauty, where all of us can come together and celebrate our faith, and where our children receive the sacraments and participate in school liturgies, remain with the Parish. The normal school fees don’t cover these costs.
And so, I invite you to consider participating in our Parish Voluntary Contribution Program. A Direct Debit form will be sent home next week and can be returned to the school office.
Your contribution will help ensure the strong partnership between our school and parish to the benefit of our children.
Kind regards and blessings,
Fr Samuel Kapani
First Eucharist Preparation for Year 4 Students
Our Year 4 students are beginning their preparation for their First Eucharist, which will take place in August. The Eucharist Masses are scheduled for Saturday, 17th August, and Saturday, 24th August, at St Margaret Mary’s Church at 5:30 PM.
Thank you to all families for confirming your chosen Mass date.
Our Eucharist Formation evening has been scheduled for Thursday, 8th August, at St Margaret Mary’s Church at 7 PM. This evening, hosted by our own Samantha O’Dwyer, promises to be very special and informative for our First Eucharist families. Families are asked to sit together on this evening.
Children’s Liturgies
Just a reminder that every Sunday at Sacred Heart, there are children’s liturgies held during the 10 am mass. It would be great to see our students coming along.
FSG Meeting
We will be holding an FSG Meeting on Monday the 5th of August at 7pm at the Spotswood Hotel. All are welcome to attend.
School Disco
The school disco date has been confirmed for Friday 20th of September. All previous bookings, times and food orders will remain the same.
Footy Tipping
Greetings tipsters! There have been some massive movement over the past couple of weeks. Let’s take a look at it by the numbers.
Top Climbers:
Reed St and Bomber Love have rocketed up the leaderboard, each leaping four spots to claim the 1st and 2nd positions respectively. They’ve truly shown what it means to keep your eyes on the prize!
The biggest surprise comes from ESPNFAN4239984, who made a staggering jump from 16th to 7th place. Talk about a comeback kid!
Top Tumblers:
On the flip side, Team Huds experienced a bit of a tumble, sliding from 2nd to 10th place. Hang in there, Team Huds! There's still time to make a comeback😬.
Collingwood Cal and Taffy the Dragon also took a bit of a dip, slipping out of the top 10. We believe in you, folks—let’s see that fighting spirit!
Steady Performers:
Don't Think. DO! and devdoggies have shown consistency, hovering near the top despite a slight drop in rank. Keep up the good work, champs!
Special shoutout to StaceyPM, who climbed four spots to land in 5th place. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
Well there you have it folks. 4 rounds to go and let’s see how it play out.
We were very lucky to have connected with Bunnings Altona and Bunnings West Footscray who have generously donated some vouchers for us. The prizes have now been finalised for the competition and we know what we are playing for.
1st Prize: $200 Bunnings Voucher
2nd Prize: $100 Bunnings Voucher
3rd Prize: $50 Bunnings Voucher
We have 35 members this year and only 11 whom have paid😟. Please be sure to show your support by paying your $25 entry fee.
Payments made via school FSG bank account, are asked to use your footy tipping alias as a reference. Account SMM FSG BSB: 083 347 Acc: 365426557 You can also send in $25 in an envelope to the office, labelled with your alias and titled "2024 footy tipping"
Click the link below:
School Closure Care
If you need out-of-school care for your child(ren) on the school closure day on August 16th, please register or contact Camp Australia Coordinator, Indira. Childcare will be available if we have sufficient interest to run the program. Unfortunately, we cannot proceed without enough registrations.
Camp Australia
SMM Mini Olympics - Tuesday 6th August
Chess Club is back for term 3!
🌟✨ Reading is Magic! ✨🌟
The theme for Book Week this year is “Reading is Magic!”. To celebrate, our annual Book Week parade will take place on Monday, 19th August at 9 AM. Everyone is invited to come along and join in the fun!
Throughout the week, students will be participating in fun activities and we will have a visit from author Anna Fienberg, best known for her Tashi series of books.
Stay tuned for more details.
Winter Uniform Reminder
As we move into the colder months, we would like to remind all students and parents about the requirements for the winter uniform. Please ensure that students are dressed in accordance with the following guidelines:
Girls Winter Uniform:
Winter tunic
White collared shirt
Blue necktie
Navy blue tights
Blue long socks
Navy logoed long pants
Black school shoes
Boys Winter Uniform:
Navy logoed long pants
Blue striped long sleeve shirt
Navy blue socks
Black school shoes
Unisex Winter Sports Uniform:
Blue logoed tracksuit pants
Blue logoed long sleeve polo shirt
Blue logoed windbreaker
White socks
Preferred Supplier: Our preferred supplier for school uniforms is Noone. Please visit their store to ensure you purchase the correct items. Noone provides high-quality uniforms that meet our school’s standards.
For any further inquiries, please contact the school office or visit our uniform shop.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Foundation Drop-in Dates
Just a reminder about our 2025 Foundation Drop-in dates! If you have a child starting in 2025, come along for a chance to meet other parents and familiarise yourself and your child with the school. We look forward to seeing you there!
Guidelines for Keeping Your Child Home When They're Sick
We understand that deciding when to keep your child home from school can be challenging. Here are some guidelines to help ensure your child recovers fully and doesn't spread illness to others:
If your child has a fever, it's best to keep them at home. Ensure they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the help of medication before returning to school. At home, you can keep them hydrated and comfortable, which is crucial for their recovery.
Diarrhoea can indicate a viral infection. It's important to keep your child at home and provide them with oral rehydrating solutions to prevent dehydration.
If your child has vomited, it's best to keep them at home until they have been vomit-free for 24 hours. This way, they can rest and recover without discomfort, and you can avoid the inconvenience of having to pick them up from school if they are still unwell.
A serious cough can spread infections and affect your child's sleep and energy levels. If your child has a wet cough, especially with breathing difficulties, please seek medical advice, possibly get a COVID-19 test, and keep them home until they are better.
Some skin rashes can be contagious. Have any rash evaluated by a doctor before your child returns to school to ensure it is safe.
This eye infection spreads easily among children. Keep your child home until a doctor confirms they are no longer contagious.
Stomach Ache
Stomach aches can be tricky. If there are no other symptoms like diarrhoea or constipation, and your child is otherwise active, they might be okay to attend school. However, if the pain persists, consider keeping them home and discussing any potential emotional stressors with them.
Ear Infection
Evaluate the severity of your child's symptoms. Mild ear pain might be manageable, but if they are uncomfortable or have a fever, it’s best to keep them at home. Monitor their overall behavior and energy levels to guide your decision.
By following these guidelines, we can ensure our children remain healthy and ready to learn. Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our school community well.
Emmanuel College News
The recent Senior Programs and Careers Expo was a fantastic opportunity for students and families to find out more about the many learning areas we have in Year 10 to 12, talk to TAFE providers and Universities about post-secondary training and education, and speak with Victoria Police, Paramedics, and the Australian Defence Forces about career options with them.
Semester 2 sees our Year 7 cohort starting to learn Italian or Japanese; others will be learning a musical instrument, some for the first time, and performing for their families near the end of the year. Other students across both campuses are competing in various events such as debating, soccer, basketball, and hockey, and that’s just naming a few.
Year 7 2026 Applications
If your child is in Year 5, please note that applications for Year 7 2026 will close on Friday, 16 August 2024. Even if you have a child already attending or that may be joining us in Year 7 2025, it is a requirement for an application to be submitted for Year 7 2026.
Applications are now submitted online via the College website: Emmanuel College Enrolment Applications
A great way to hear about our innovative learning programs and meet key staff is at our annual Information Morning, which is coming up on 10 August. You will get the chance to hear from our College Principal, Dr Janine Biggin, and join us on a College tour led by student ambassadors. Information for each campus is below, and registration is available here: Information Morning and Tour Registration
Saturday 10th August 2024
Notre Dame Campus
Principal’s Address at 9:00am
9am to 10:30am
Tours to follow with the event finishing at 10:30am
St Paul’s Campus
Principal’s Address at 10:30am
10:30am to 12 noon
Tours to follow with the event finishing at 12 noon
For more information on enrolments or if you have any other questions, please contact our College Registrar, Ms Donna Grech, on 8325 5100 or send an email to:
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Hendricks
Community Engagement Officer
Mount St. Joseph’s Girls College
As we approach the enrolment deadline for Year 7 in 2026 at Mount St. Joseph Girls' College, we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to secure your child's place in our vibrant learning and faith community.
Students wishing to attend Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College for Year 7 in 2026 should apply in Grade 5 of their primary school education.
Apply online via the College website.
The closing date for applications is Friday 16 August 2024.
Why Choose Mount St. Joseph Girls' College?
· Academic Excellence: Our curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire students to achieve their full potential.
· Faith-Based Learning: We aim to develop informed and compassionate women of faith who will strive to make a difference in the world.
· Community Spirit: We are a supportive community where every student is valued, encouraged, and celebrated for their unique talents.
· Modern Facilities: Our contemporary and dynamic facilities enhance the learning experience, providing students with the resources they need to thrive.
We understand that choosing the right school for your child is an important decision, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our College Registrar:
Sherri Collins:
133 Maidstone Street, Altona
(03) 8398 2000
Thank you for considering Mount St. Joseph Girls' College. We look forward to welcoming your family into our community.