Newsletter Term 3, Week 9 2024
Monday 2-Friday 20- MACSSIS School Survey open
Friday 20 September- Term 3 Ends 1pm
Friday 20 September- School Disco in Hall 6.30-8pm
Dear SMM Families,
It has been another terrific fortnight at St Margaret Mary’s, with plenty of exciting activities to share with you this newsletter. As we continue through Ordinary Time in the Church’s calendar, we are reminded to focus on living our faith in everyday moments and actions. It’s a time to reflect on how we can follow Christ and prepare ourselves for the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
Last week, we welcomed our Foundation 2025 cohort for their final Term 3 "pop in" session. These visits provided a great opportunity for our future Preps to become familiar with our school, its facilities, and our wonderful staff. We were thrilled to share in the children's excitement as they begin their journey with us. Beginning November next term, we will have three Transition sessions that will involve a more structured approach and information sharing with the parents to set everyone up for success.
Simon and I also met with Fr. Samuel to finalise plans for our upcoming parish and school celebration of St Margaret Mary’s 70th Anniversary. More details in this newsletter – please remember to keep scrolling! We look forward to celebrating this milestone with our community.
A special thank you to Nudel Kart and Kaboom! for their financial support of our STEM and PE/Health incursions on Monday. The students had a fantastic time, and the sessions were a great success. We encourage our community to support these businesses should the opportunity arise.
On Tuesday, our staff participated in further professional development on the Science of Learning onsite at SMM. Led by Kristine from Knowledge Society, the individualised in-class modelling, coaching, and teacher feedback sessions focused on effective strategies for short, fun “daily reviews of prior learning” to help students retain and apply their knowledge.
Please also note the following upcoming dates for your calendar:
End of Term 3 next Friday 20th September at 1 pm. Student disco that evening in the Hall.
Early next term, Thursday, 10th October, SMM School, 70th Anniversary Celebration: 9 am Parish and School Mass for the Feast of St Margaret Mary Alacoque, followed by morning tea for adults and STOMP Incursion for the children during the day culminating in a STOMP Performance for parents that afternoon, 2:15 - 3:15 pm.
YEAR 3 Reconciliation Formation Evening: Week 1, 7 pm in the Hall.
Student-Free Day: Monday, 21st October, for all staff to engage in MACS Flourishing Learners Professional Development offsite.
SMM Trivia Night: Saturday 16th November
Our school fee accounts are in a strong position, showing a significant improvement from last year. Thank you to everyone who has helped us provide the staff and resources our students need to engage, learn, and thrive.
A friendly reminder that all outstanding school fees are now due. If you require assistance or need more time to meet this commitment, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing everyone a great week ahead and a well-deserved change of pace for the school holidays. Thank you once again for the warmth, care, and support we experience here at SMM, which has been especially evident this term. Bring on Spring!
Warm regards,
Colleen McCambridge
St Margaret Mary's Primary School
Hats are back!
Starting next week, students will be required to wear hats during yard time. To help avoid misplaced items, please ensure your child's hat is clearly labeled with their name. This will make it easier to return any lost hats to their rightful owners.
Summer Uniform
Starting next week, students may begin wearing their summer uniforms. We understand there may still be some cooler days, so there will be a two-week transition period at the start of Term 4.
Girls' Summer Uniform:
Summer dress
White socks
Black school shoes
Tartan skirt
White shirt
Boys' Summer Uniform:
Blue logoed shorts
Blue striped short-sleeve shirt
Navy blue socks
Black shoes
Unisex Summer Sports Uniform:
Blue logoed shorts
Blue logoed short-sleeve polo shirt
White socks
Trivia Night Coming Soon!
Well Done Chris and Cruz!
Congratulations to Chris and Cruz for their outstanding efforts at the District Athletics Competition. Both students traveled to Keilor to compete in their 100m sprints, with Cruz placing third in the Under 13 category and Chris placing third in the Under 11 category.
Well done to both of you!
Follow our socials for the latest learning posts from the classroom
St Margaret Mary’s students are independent life-long learners inspired by Gospel values and empowered with a sense of purpose and responsibility. They confidently engage with others and are equipped with skills to adapt to an ever changing world.
Each week, students who embody our values, apply the school mindsets to learning, work hard to improve or persevere to deliver on learning objectives are awarded a class award. The students who earned an award in the past weeks are:
Week 8
Week 9
Around the Rooms
St Margaret Mary’s End of term Celebration
On Monday, St Margaret Mary’s students participated in an end-of-term celebration. The day began with a STEM-focused Nüdel Cart session, where students explored the deconstructable, mobile play resources. These carts can be reconfigured in various ways to encourage self-directed learning, using materials selected to support children’s development.
After recess, the focus shifted to the Olympic Games Extravaganza. Students represented different countries in either the Olympic or Commonwealth Games. The event opened with senior students waving flags, followed by a brief ceremony, including the lighting of the flame. Students then rotated through Kaboom Kid Sports activities, with a live medal tally keeping track of the results throughout the day.
In the afternoon, students watched Wall-E, which connected to the environmental themes they have been studying this term. Overall, it was a rewarding day for the students, filled with STEM activities, sports, and opportunities to reinforce their learning.
Year 3 Maths
The year 3’s are working on calculating change from different money amounts. Some of the students are using Numberlines to help them with their calculations.
Senior’s Environmental Expo
The Senior students are hard at work on their natural disasters projects. Students are working together to create an informative presentation about a chosen natural disaster. Some students are creating posters, computer presentations and even dioramas! We hope parents can join us for their expo after lunch on Wednesday the 18th of September.
Year 1/2 Environmental Exploration
The Year 1/2 students have been learning about the Great Barrier Reef, exploring the various plants and animals that call it home. They also discussed ways to care for and protect this important ecosystem. As part of their learning, the students created a vibrant Great Barrier Reef collage, showcasing their understanding and appreciation of this unique environment.
Prep Art Works
Our Prep students have been channeling their creativity into some exciting environmental-themed art projects under the guidance of Mrs. McGuirk. Recently, they were tasked with designing their own fairy gardens, and the results have been nothing short of spectacular!
By Lara
By Harvey
By Neve
By Frankie
By Annabelle
By Willow
By Joel
By Mika
Maths Puzzles
This week we thought it would be fun to put some family maths games and puzzles into our newsletter for you to have a go at. Anne Ablinger our Mathematics Leader has selected a few games and activities to discuss and enjoy as a family. The answers are down below!
Answers down below.
Move 2 matches to make 5 squares.
Answers down below
Move 3 matches to make the fish look right.
Student Wellbeing & Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) at SMM
As Term 3 holidays rapidly approach, many look forward to a break. While the holidays are a time for relaxation and enjoyment, maintaining a sense of predictability, consistency, and routine over the holidays can benefit our children’s well-being and support a smooth transition back to school for Term 4.
Why Consistency Matters
Our staff have done lots of work on behavioural and academic routines to support our students. Children thrive on the structure that school routines provide. Routines, habits, and schedules make learning easier because they free up cognitive space and remove the need to make multiple decisions. Routines build predictability and support our actions to become automatic. This in turn provides children with a sense of security and stability. Students become more capable and productive as they practice and refine routines. When routines are predictable, children know what to expect. This can reduce anxiety and help them feel more in control. When we feel in control, we free up thinking space and can focus on new things.
Over the holidays, while it’s natural for schedules to shift, keeping routines can help children adjust more smoothly and feel more settled.
Routines and schedules also support foundational well-being habits such as regular sleep patterns, healthy eating, and time for physical activity. This is especially important during the holidays when schedules can become irregular.
Some parents are often happy to see children return to school because sometimes behaviour can become challenging during the school holidays. Children feel better and behave better when they have some predictable elements or structure in their day. Parents can help reduce conflicts and promote positive behaviour by providing consistency, setting boundaries, and informing their child(ren), as best they can, of what to expect each day.
Tips for Keeping Routines During the Holidays
It is helpful to incorporate set routines in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings, with more energetic activities happening in the mornings/afternoons and slower, calmer, quieter, and relaxing activities incorporated into the evenings.
Try to maintain similar sleep and wake times. This helps maintain healthy sleep patterns and ensures that children are well-rested for holiday activities and when they return to school.
Plan daily routines or schedules that include time for meals, play, and relaxation.
Incorporate educational activities: Stick to the reading routines set during the school term. Replace school learning with activities that engage children’s minds, such as playing board games or puzzles, exploring local attractions, or going to Children's Events at Hobsons Bay Libraries for a weekly Lego challenge or ‘Game-On’ sessions. This keeps their learning going in a fun, relaxed manner.
Organise playdates with peers over the holidays. Students look forward to school when they have friends they are excited to see. Meeting at the park can help children maintain connections over the break and provide beneficial physical activity.
Create special holiday routines: Establish new traditions or routines specific to the holiday time, such as a Friday or Saturday family movie night or a daily outdoor activity. This helps blend the structure of routine with the excitement of the holidays.
Encourage downtime: While it’s important to have structured activities, make sure there’s also time for unstructured play and relaxation. This balance helps prevent overstimulation, keeps the holiday period pleasant, and gives children a great start to Term 4 as they are well-rested.
Communicate changes: If there are any changes to the usual routine, talk to your children about them. Knowing what to expect can help them adjust more easily.
Monitor and limit screen time: Research shows that screen time can be highly addictive for children, with studies linking prolonged use to negative effects on attention, sleep, and overall well-being. The immersive nature of screens, whether from gaming, social media, or videos, releases dopamine, which can create dependency similar to other addictive behaviours. During the holiday break, set clear limits to prevent overuse. Encourage creativity and physical movement, such as outdoor play, arts and crafts, or family board games. Establish screen-free zones and times, such as during meals and before bedtime. Additionally, model balanced screen use by setting your own limits and engaging in non-screen activities with your child. By promoting non-screen engaging activities, you can help your child enjoy the holidays while avoiding the pitfalls of screen addiction.
National Guidelines for Screen Time
You can access research-based recommendations for physical activity, sedentary, and sleep behaviours for children and young people from the Australian Department of Health.
Across a 24-hour period, they recommend:
Infants younger than 2 have no screen time.
Children aged 2-5 have no more than one hour per day.
Children and young people aged between 5-17 years have less than 2 hours a day of sedentary recreational screen time.
Being active is important for children and young people to grow healthy and set good habits for life. Read about how much daily activity children and teenagers should do, limiting sitting time, and getting enough sleep at the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website.
Preparing for a Smooth Transition Back to School
Transitioning back to school after the holidays can be made easier with a few proactive steps:
Get school supplies and uniforms ready ahead of time. Involve your child in this process to build excitement and ensure they feel prepared.
Stay positive and supportive: Show enthusiasm and encouragement about the return to school. Your positive attitude can help alleviate any anxiety your child might have and foster a sense of excitement about the new term.
Review your child’s age-appropriate school responsibilities, such as travelling on public transport, walking to school with a friend, helping to pack or independently packing their lunch, or encouraging them to carry their school bag or walk in on their own.
Discuss the upcoming term: Talk with your child about what to expect in the new school term. Discuss any upcoming events or changes and address any concerns they might have. Talk about what they look forward to in their final term at school. Consider discussing Term 4 as a time of preparation for 2025, such as preparing for secondary school, new classes, or different student groupings.
Reinforce healthy habits, such as regular meals, physical activity, and adequate sleep, to support emotional regulation and mood.
Maintaining a sense of routine and consistency, along with preparing for a smooth transition back to school, can make the holiday break more enjoyable and less disruptive for your child. By blending predictability with holiday fun and taking proactive steps for the return to school, you’ll help your child feel secure and ready for a successful new term.
More Information:
Read this excellent article on Sleep Hygiene for Kids (The Sydney Children's Hospital Network) to learn about the sleep environment, bedtime routines, and improving your child’s sleep patterns.
Check out Children's Events at Hobsons Bay Libraries.
Learn about empowering families for safer school holiday screen time with tips from Triple P.
Managing screen time | NSW Government.
Holiday havoc or harmony? Helping teens and parents navigate screen time boundaries during the long summer break | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians.
We hope to see everyone back refreshed and ready to complete the final term for 2024!
Thanks for working in partnership with us to support your children
Kath (Student Wellbeing Leader)
SMM Trivia Night is Back!
Mark Your Calendars – The SMM Trivia Night is Coming!
Join us on Saturday, 16th November for the social event of the year! The Fundraising Support Group (FSG) is hard at work, and we need your help to make it a success. We are currently seeking donations for prizes to make the night extra special. Check out the flyer below for details on how you can contribute. Stay tuned for more information on tickets and event details coming soon!
School Disco
Families who did not purchase tickets for the last disco and would like to attend, please send $20 in an envelope to school office with Name and Pizza order (margarita or Hawaiian / dietary requirements) by Friday 13th September.
For families unable to attend who had previously purchased a ticket and would like money refunded, please send Jodie Millar an email (<>) with your bank account details and it will be arranged.
Trivia Night- Call for Donations
MACSSIS Family Survey is now open
You should of received an invitation to complete the MACSSIS Family Survey last week. This important survey helps us as a school to reflect on our practise and develop plans for future improvement. We aim for 30% participation of our families however we are currently sitting at 8%. If you can spare 15-20 minutes it would be greatly appreciated.
Save The Date!
Join us as we commemorate 70 years of St Margaret Mary’s Primary School with a special celebration. All students will participate in a STOMP performance from 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM, and we invite parents and carers to get involved. Come and be part of this memorable occasion as we celebrate the rich history and vibrant community of SMM.
Prep and Junior Book Request
Our Prep and Junior students are on the lookout for some of the books listed below. If you have any copies that are no longer in use and would like to donate, they would be greatly appreciated for our reading libraries. These books have been carefully chosen to support our literacy program.
Clean Our Bay Day
Foundation Transition Dates
Just a reminder about our 2025 Foundation transition dates! If you have a child starting in 2025, these sessions are a must for learning about school and giving your child the best start to their primary school education. We look forward to seeing you there!
Emmanuel College News
As part of the cultural and language education program at Emmanuel College, students can travel overseas to Italy and to NASA Space Camp. These international trips are a fantastic way for students from both campuses to get to know each other and see the world. This Saturday, we say ciao and buon viaggio to the group of 21 students and four staff members who are traveling to Italy. For some students, this will be their first time overseas, and we look forward to hearing all about their adventures when they return.
On Monday, September 6, the annual Emmanuel College Intra-School Chess Championships were held at the Notre Dame Campus. The goal of the competition is to give Emmanuel College students an opportunity to mix with fellow chess players from within the school in a semi-competitive environment, involving 32 students.
We were fortunate to have the Chess Academy available to run the tournament, ensuring the same conditions as those found in inter-school competitions, including the use of time clocks. Seven rounds were played over the course of the day.
After a tense final round, Daniel Liu was declared the winner after scoring 6.5 points. He narrowly defeated Jared Load. Jared finished second on a countback from Joshua Sherri, with both players finishing on 5½ points. Other players to win 5 matches were Dhruv Bhaiyaji, Aidan Garner, Johnny Nguyen, and Neil Manoj.
The day was enjoyed by all players, and they are to be congratulated for their endeavour and behaviour on the day.
Year 7 2026 applications closed on 16 August 2024. If your child is currently in Year 5 and you have not applied for Year 7 2026, please contact Ms. Donna Grech, College Registrar, on 8325 5100 as a matter of urgency. A friendly reminder that Year 7 2026 Letters of Offer and Waitlist notifications will be emailed to families on Friday, 18 October 2024.
We welcome you to join us at the upcoming Twilight Talk and Tour event, where you will hear from College Principal Dr. Janine Biggin, find out more about the College’s innovative learning programs, and enjoy a tour led by student ambassadors. Dates, times, and registration for events at each campus are available via the College website:
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Hendricks
Community Engagement Officer