Newsletter Term 2, Week 8 2022


Tuesday 21 June - Learning Conversations - 1.00pm finish

Friday - 24 June - Last day of term - 1.00pm finish


Dear Parents,

This Sunday at 10.00am - Sacred Heart Church Newport, we have our second Family Mass for the year with both Parish schools being in attendance.

The mass will celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart which is of particular significance to both schools. I invite all of our children and families to come along and celebrate this feast together.

St. Margaret Mary’s devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was well known and her intercessions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus were attributed to many miracles. 

Congratulations to Harri, Noah and Karli who competed in the Division Cross Country last week.  All three students represented our school enthusiastically  and with great pride.

Noah and Karli are off to the next level to compete for our school. We wish them all the very best.

Tomorrow night is our first FSG disco for quite some time. The students are very excited to be able to attend and have some social time with one another. If you haven’t booked your tickets see the flyer below with all the details. 

Tomorrow, the semester 1 reports for your children are coming home. Next week we are having three-way learning conversations where the children and teacher get to speak about the learning that has happened over the semester. If you have not yet books a face to face learning conversation, the information can be found below. 

Finally, I would like to thank the staff for their hard work this term. Although a short term, it was very busy and full of many learning opportunities for the children. I would also like to thank you the  parents for your support of our school. 

I wish you all a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 11th July when term 3 resumes. 


Andrea Richards




New Piece of Uniform

Results of the community vote can be seen below. With an overwhelming ‘Yes’ vote to include the rugby jumper as part of the school uniform. I will be talking to Noone (our uniform supplier) regarding getting a sample.


Follow our socials for the latest learning posts from the classroom



St Margaret Mary’s students are independent life-long learners inspired by Gospel values and empowered with a sense of purpose and responsibility. They confidently engage with others and are equipped with skills to adapt to an ever changing world.



Each week, students who embody our values, apply the school mindsets to learning, work hard to improve or persevere to deliver on learning objectives are awarded a class award. The students who earned an award in the past weeks are:


Term 2, Week 7

Term 2, Week 8



Around the School


Year 4 Visit to Emmanuel Secondary College

The year 4 students had a great time at Emmanuel College exploring the campus and having a go at some secondary classes. A hot dog for lunch was also appreciated.


Juniors Melbourne Museum Excursion

The Juniors had a fantastic time exploring the Melbourne Museum. A big thank you to all our parent helpers for volunteering your time. As one helper remarked on leaving, “I think it’s time for a nap.” We hear you!



SMM Track and Field Carnival 2022

On Thursday the 19th of May we held our SMM Track and Field Carnival. Congratulations to all of our students who participated and tried their best. It was wonderful to see our SMM values on display. A huge thank you to all of the staff members and parent helpers for their assistance on the day.

Also we were very fortunate this year to have the wonderful help of year 11 VET Sport and Recreation students from Bayside. We thank Natalie Tancredi from Bayside SC for her assistance in organising this for us. Congratulations again to everyone involved. Further information on the District Athletics Day will be sent out shortly for those students who have made the district team. 

Kristine Messig 

2022 Winter Gala Day

On Friday the 27th of May our senior students at SMM competed in the Westgate District Winter Gala Day. Our students competed in the netball and soccer competitions. SMM hosted the netball at Altona Sports Centre where our girls team and our mixed team competed.

A big congratulations to all of the students that competed and tried their best, a fun day was had by all. A special thank you to Mrs McGuirk for taking on the huge responsibility of running the netball gala day and to Miss Steele for coaching the netball teams.

Thank you also to Ruby’s parents Neil and Stacey Maher for their wonderful assistance on the day. We would also like to thank our amazing volunteer umpires on the day from Mount St Joseph’s and Bayside SC. Thank you to Tom Dicker from MSJ and Natalie Tancredi from Bayside SC for their assistance in organising this for us. 

Our mixed soccer team competed at McIvor Reserve where we were the premiers of the C division! Congratulations to all of the students who showed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship on the day. A big thank you to Karli’s mum Amanda D’Rosario for coaching the soccer team and for all of her help on the day.

Thank you also to all of the parents who came down to watch and support our teams, it is always greatly appreciated. 

Kristine Messig


School Disco this Friday

The St Margaret Mary’s School Disco is THIS Friday night! Be sure to get your tickets here.

Footy Tipping

The split round has seen a new leader emerge. MPANTAZ has clawed their way to the top, hanging on by a narrow points margin.

We’re just over half way through the season and with only 3 tips separating the top 12 it is still anyones game.

This round has a few games that could go either way. Will the Doggies disturbances take their toll against bitter rivals the Giants? Carlton V Richmond and Sydney V Port could see a few tipsters come unstuck and we might see some shifting by next newsletter.

My moneys on the Millar Boys to make a charge this round but Andrea Moscato’s wild tipping could prove problematic.

Until next time…

Account SMM FSG

BSB: 083 347

Acc: 365426557

Make sure you use your alias as a reference. 

Call for new members!

Can you spare some time to help out with the FSG? We are currently looking for new members. Contact Stacey to express your interest and find out more about how you can help out.


The 2022 Vinnies Winter Appeal

This year's Vinnies Winter Appeal, Vinnies volunteers are continuing to commit to ensuring women and children always have somewhere to go to escape domestic violence. With the funds raised, Vinnies can continue to help provide emergency accommodation, financial support, as well as material assistance to help families start again.

If you wish to donate directly to our Newport Conference and the work it does in our area please visit the following address:

This week our students have moved into exam week for Years 8 – 12. They have been working hard on revision and preparation for their exams and we wish them well. Our social justice activities for the next couple of weeks focus on building empathy for and supporting people experiencing homelessness. Students are bringing donations of socks and gloves and warm undergarments which have been identified by St Vinnies as the greatest need for the people in their care. We thank the students and their families for their generous spirit.

 Our next College Experience event is the Annual Information Morning to be held at both campuses. Registrations are essential for these events and can be made via the Tours & Events tab on the right hand side of the homepage of the College website, . Details of each event are as follows:

Celebrating the different talents of students at Emmanuel College is a priority for us. Whether it is on the sporting field, in academia or in visual and performing arts, there truly is something for everyone at our school. Last week the Year 7 students who have been taking music this semester put on a concert for their families, they were outstanding and the audience of nearly 400 people loved what they saw and heard. It was incredible to see such development in these musicians who in many cases have only been learning their instrument for five months.

 Notre Dame Campus  -  Saturday 6 August, 2022 -Commencing at 9.00 am with the Principal’s address, followed by tours and ending at 10.30 am

St Paul’s Campus  -  Saturday 6 August, 2022 - Commencing at 10.30 am with the Principal’s address, followed by tours and ending at 12 Noon

 This is a great opportunity to hear from the College Principal, parents and most importantly, our students. You will have an opportunity to tour the facilities and see the great learning spaces available to students.

 Also, applications for enrolment for Year 7, 2024 are now being accepted and close on Friday 19 August 2022. A Prospectus Pack containing an enrolment application form can be requested from the College website, on the right hand side of the homepage under the Enrolment Information tab, by emailing, calling the College Registrar on 8325 5119 or visiting the friendly staff at reception of either of our campuses. Please note, that if you have a child who is currently in Grade 5 and wish for them to be considered for a place at the College for Year 7, 2024, it is a requirement for you to submit an application for them, even if you already have older children at the College.

 We look forward to seeing you soon.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Volunteers at St. Margaret Mary’s

Now that we are able to have parents come back into the school to help out in classrooms and on excursions, I thought I would outline the current requirements:

All volunteers that come into the school or go on an excursion must have a Working With Childrens Check (WWCC) as well as be Triple Vaccinated.

Although for the safety of our community we ask that all adults who are onsite are Triple vaccinated, if you are picking up your child, or coming in for Learning Conversations / PSG meetings, you only need to be double vaccinated. 

If you would like to go on excursions or help out in the classroom and do not have a Working With Childrens Check (WWCC) now is a good time to apply for one via the link below. They only take 15 minutes to apply for and they are completely free as you are classed as a volunteer.


Trying to find an important date? Check out our updated Term Dates page.

School Fees

Thankyou to all the families who have made payments towards their family school fees and levy accounts. Without this support from you, our school would not be able to run.

If you have not started to make payments towards your account can we suggest you set up via your bank account, weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit payments. They are a great way to work towards settlement of your account.

We accept EFTPOS over the phone, or in person at the school office and you can make direct payments into our account. Please use your family name as the reference so we are able to allocate the payment correctly.

Our bank details are:

Account Name: St Margaret Mary’s School 

BSB: 083-347

ACCOUNT: 463870010

Please speak to Andrea Richards or the Office ladies if you are experiencing financial hardship.

School Library


If you are the holder of a healthcare card you may be eligible for this $125 payment from the Victorian State Government.

Please come into the office to fill out an application form as this program closes on the 22nd of June. No late applications can be lodged.

We have advertised this program in our newsletter and very few parents have taken up this offer. If you applied last year you will still be required to fill out the form and supply a copy of your card so we can lodge the application for 2022 on your behalf.


We welcome your feedback so if you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, questions about content or general feedback, please let us know.


Newsletter Term 3, Week 1 2022


Newsletter Term 2, Week 6 2022